Author Amy Kaybach

Amy Kaybach is a romance author from the central coast of California. She released her first book, Bridging the Silence, in March of 2022. Following the lead singer of a band called the Blind Rebels, it is the first in a rockstar romance series.

Begging her parents when she was just three to teach her to “write words,” Amy’s loved writing since she can remember. She also learned to read early and quickly fell in love with the worlds in her books. Once, a precocious ten-year-old Amy frustrated her mom so much that she took away Amy’s books instead of television because Amy didn’t really care about what was on TV anyway.

In the fourth grade, Amy absconded away with her mother’s Redbook Magazine, read it, then promptly came out of her room and asked what “Achieving the Big O” meant. Is it any wonder she became a romance author?

When she is not writing or dreaming about sexy rockstars, Amy is working in information technology communications or dreaming of her next grand adventure. Amy is owned by two obnoxious but well-loved (spoiled) beagles, Abbie and Gracie.

Amy loves to connect with her readers:

My media kit (.zip).

My media kit (Google folder).