Pam & Tommy

Pam & Tommy

Am I the only one who is excited to watch Pam & Tommy on Hulu? If you don’t know what I am talking about, here is the official trailer from Youtube: I hope it isn’t a disappointment. I loved The Dirt (both the book and the movie) so I have high hopes for this one….

Weird Space

Weird Space

I’ve finished going through both Bridging the Silence (Blind Rebels book 1) and Blending Chords (Blind Rebels book 2) to prep them for the proofreader next month. I turned in my first (ie. major) rewrite of Reviving the Rhythm (Blind Rebels book 3) to my editor for a read when she’s done going over Finding…

Laptop with part of novel being written

It’s all happening

Have you seen the movie “Almost Famous” with Kate Hudson as Penny Lane? It’s probably no surprise that it’s one of my all-time favorite movies. If you haven’t seen it and you love music- I highly suggest it. My reason for bringing it up is that they had a saying when everything was starting to…

The Blind Rebels

Meet the Blind Rebels

The Blind Rebels are: Mavrick Slater: The charismatic and cocky lead singer and songwriter, Mavrick is now best know for attacking his guitarist onstage at Madison Square Garden for sleeping with his fiancĂ©. You’ll meet him in Book 1: Bridging the Silence. Mavrick may be the singer but he can also play piano and guitar….